
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I'm a silly bizatch 

I'm going to make a concerted effort to make this blog sillier. Maybe some entries with be logical, but I'd like it to be entertaining in its own right, not just thought-provoking, especially for you lazy bastards out there that don't like to think. Please let me know if I succeed. Some possible future topics:

- Dave's useful tips for removing bubblegum from your armpit hair.
- The relative merits of Christina Aguilera vs. a bag of filthy socks.
- Why are engineers so lovable?
- Men with back hair and the women who love them.
- Screw Mars! Let's go to Pluto!
- My fellow co-workers need to bathe more regularly AND more thoroughly.

I know you're waiting with baited breath. You damn well better be.
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