
Monday, February 09, 2004

A Tired Old Maxim 

A short post upon my return from a friend's wedding in Colorado:

When I was in college, I had a subscription to Maxim. At the time, I thought it was the coolest magazine. It was clever and original, and didn't take itself too seriously. Now, about 5 years later, it feels like that old friend that's still living in the past. It's the same jokes, the same topics, the same principles, and it's just old. Yeah, sometimes it's funny, but grow up already. Ok, you like beer. We get it. You like hot women. Who doesn't? I think they write the same "15 Tips To Give Her Extreme Pleasure In Bed" every month.

I think it speaks a lot about the country that this is the best-selling magazine in America. What's even worse is to see how many magazines have copied Maxim. Men's Fitness is just like Maxim, but with more workout tips. What's scary is that magazines like GQ, Razor, and even Playboy seem sophisticated by comparison, but even those have compromised a bit. Its effects are everywhere - even Entertainment Weekly, a fantastic magazine, has copied the "clever captions" idea, and now almost every picture in the magazine has a smarmy caption. Usually they're not funny, AND, it's obvious they're just imitating Maxim. It's kind of sad, really. Try harder, people.

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