
Wednesday, April 14, 2004


Ok, so we just had Passover, and in as much as I'm not a biblical fellow, I can't help but think of the ten plagues right now. First of all, it's been raining a whole lot. Clearly, this can lead to flooding. You would think that floods are on of the ten plagues, but you'd be wrong. "Blood" is one of the plagues, but this is kind of vague. Maybe there were floods of blood. In which case, which is more annoying? The flooding itself? Or maybe the fact that blood leaves terrible stains?

One of the ten plagues definitely IS locusts. And, from what I hear, they're coming this summer to the DC area. Cicadas. A whole lot of them. I'll keep you posted on that one.

I think on some of the plagues, they were reaching, though. Frogs? Frogs are kind of cute. Not really debilitating or destructive, either. I mean, you could have a lot of frogs and that could be annoying, but I don't see how a lot of frogs would be any worse than, say, a whole lot of ducks, or tons of cotton balls blowing around in the wind everywhere. No, this is definitely a lackluster plague.

For my money, the plague that would be the most entertaining to watch (this clearly rules out "darkness", although listening to people bumping into each other might be funny for a bit) would be "Hail mixed with Fire". This has a lot of destructive capacity. It also seems very odd, given that hail is frozen, while fire is not. To be honest, this might just be a lot like rain.
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