Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Survivor Update
Well, a while ago I wrote about how I was excited for the new season of Survivor, because it was going to be the "All-Star" edition, and people who had played the game before were going to be playing it again, ushering in a whole new level of strategy and plotting.
Boy, was I wrong. I mean, overall, I still like the show. Say what you will about reality shows, but I think it's still one of the best, and classier reality shows out there. (I also like the Apprentice and The Amazing Race, and that's about it. Never watched the Bachelor or Average Joe or whatever...although, I did watch the Joe Schmoe Show and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, but those were more reality show takeoffs) I was hoping that because all of these people had played the game before, we wouldn't get the standard moralizing, or stupidity that you normally get. Well, so much for having high expectations.
People were just as stupid as usual. I know that the camera shows us stuff that the players might not actually see, but some people were just naive. I don't want to get into the details, but after seeing people play for 7 seasons, you should know who to trust and who not to trust. And you should know that if you have the chance to vote off someone who is strong, or has a good alliance, you should do it. Morons.
I'm also very tired of the trite, "I'm going to play the game without being deceitful" attitude, as if that somehow puts you above the others. Well, if you do that, you're a complete fool. That's like saying "I'm going to play baseball without trying to steal bases, because it's deceptive." Or, "I'm going to play basketball without making any fakes." Or, "I'm going to play golf." All are stupid and irrational. If you play the game that way, then you have no right to complain when other people fool you. Now, if you win that way, good for you - it's like winning a wrestling match with one hand tied behind your back. Besides, I think the game has nice check and balances built into it - if you are too much of an asshole, you may betray and fool everyone, and get them voted off, but you're not going to win, cuz they're not going to vote for you in the finals. By the way, that exact thing happened this time - but only because the final two voted everyone else off systematically because they were all playing like naive idiots.
I watch the show because I like the strategy and psychology of it. At its best, it's a high stakes chess game. At its worst, it's a low rent soap opera....which, admittedly, can still be somewhat entertaining. But you can only watch people whine for so long. This time, I was let down. Damn you, CBS!
Boy, was I wrong. I mean, overall, I still like the show. Say what you will about reality shows, but I think it's still one of the best, and classier reality shows out there. (I also like the Apprentice and The Amazing Race, and that's about it. Never watched the Bachelor or Average Joe or whatever...although, I did watch the Joe Schmoe Show and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, but those were more reality show takeoffs) I was hoping that because all of these people had played the game before, we wouldn't get the standard moralizing, or stupidity that you normally get. Well, so much for having high expectations.
People were just as stupid as usual. I know that the camera shows us stuff that the players might not actually see, but some people were just naive. I don't want to get into the details, but after seeing people play for 7 seasons, you should know who to trust and who not to trust. And you should know that if you have the chance to vote off someone who is strong, or has a good alliance, you should do it. Morons.
I'm also very tired of the trite, "I'm going to play the game without being deceitful" attitude, as if that somehow puts you above the others. Well, if you do that, you're a complete fool. That's like saying "I'm going to play baseball without trying to steal bases, because it's deceptive." Or, "I'm going to play basketball without making any fakes." Or, "I'm going to play golf." All are stupid and irrational. If you play the game that way, then you have no right to complain when other people fool you. Now, if you win that way, good for you - it's like winning a wrestling match with one hand tied behind your back. Besides, I think the game has nice check and balances built into it - if you are too much of an asshole, you may betray and fool everyone, and get them voted off, but you're not going to win, cuz they're not going to vote for you in the finals. By the way, that exact thing happened this time - but only because the final two voted everyone else off systematically because they were all playing like naive idiots.
I watch the show because I like the strategy and psychology of it. At its best, it's a high stakes chess game. At its worst, it's a low rent soap opera....which, admittedly, can still be somewhat entertaining. But you can only watch people whine for so long. This time, I was let down. Damn you, CBS!
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