
Thursday, October 28, 2004


I really think this election is going to drive me insane. I care about it 10 times as much as I cared about the baseball playoffs (although maybe it would only have been 5 times as much if the Orioles had made it, but the anti-Yankee sentiment runs quite strong in my blood), and it's really imposing on my psyche. I think it's unhealthy, but at this point, it's out of my control. I'm checking polls multiple times per day, even though I know the polls are wildly inaccurate. I'm reading CNN.com, even though it contains the same drivel every single day. (Headline 1: "Bush claims Kerry is weak." Headline 2: "Kerry claims Bush is incompetent.") At this point, I'm trying to avoid engaging in debate with people because I know it's just going to make me angry. And I don't need to hear from you nay-sayers about why I'm a fool for caring - that's just going to make me more frustrated and angry. But I certainly do sit back from time to time and wonder if I'm just playing into this political system that really ends up benefitting no one but the top 1% in the end, and I've now bought it hook, line, and sinker. I have stayed true to my vow not to donate money to any campaign, although I am making calls for Kerry and will canvass on Saturday. But I've gone too far to turn back now. There are just 5 days left. I hope I can maintain what little semblance of rationality I have left...

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