Sunday, November 13, 2005
Whenever I have no big event that compels me to write a real post, but I feel I've been neglecting my blog, I put together a collection of random observations. I suppose most bloggers don't contrain themselves to only writing a lot at a time, but I'm not most bloggers. I like to have meaty posts. Mmm...meaty.
- Speaking of the Simpsons, while it may seem that I'm obsessed, I'd like to point out that I haven't watched a new episode of the Simpsons in a couple of years. I wanted to watch the Halloween episode that was just released, but forgot about it. Oh well. I don't think I've outgrown the show; rather, I think the show has gotten significantly crappier, which is sad.
- I read a lot of book reviews (and have been trying to read more books in general), and I've come to one conclusion: Book titles are getting longer. It seems they try to summarize the entire book in the subtitle, especially non-fiction books. I don't have many examples at the ready, but the next time you are in a bookstore, stroll over to non-fiction, and take a look at the titles and subtitles. It's a bit strange.
- We had a housewarming party this past weekend. It was fun, but quite tiring. We finally decided to hunker down and get the house in shape, figuring that if we waited until after the holidays, all would be lost. So, we did a lot of cleaning over the past month, and a little furnishing. But we're finally completely unpacked, which I think is a major accomplishment. Our party was 5 hours long, because we wanted to have it open-house style. We had neighbors, friends, and family stop by, and all in all, I think it was a good time. But I was basically giving "house tours" nonstop, and didn't really get a chance to talk with people for more than 5 minutes at a time. Still, I'm glad we had it, because we're quite proud of our house, and wanted to share it with the people we care about. If you haven't yet visited, we have a whole guest room waiting!
- Now that the house is mostly set, we can refocus on wedding planning. Today is our negative six month anniversary. We've been registering for gifts over the past couple of weeks, because we sent out our save-the-date cards recently and wanted there to be stuff on the registry if people decided to start looking. I'm of two minds about all of these formalities. On one hand, I think it's a bit silly. But I can also see why it's practical. For instance, save-the-date cards have an obvious purpose, because if you wait until the designated invitation-sending time, people may have already made plans. I'm still not sure why you're not supposed to send out invitations until relatively near the wedding date. Maybe people will forget otherwise?
- The other formality is the whole registry thing. Of course, I realize that most wedding presents are for the bride anyways, which is fine. I've never been a fan of registrys, as I've always thought that the purpose of giving gifts is not just to give people stuff, but to put thought into it and make it a personal experience. It's the effort that matters, not the merchandise. So registering seems to take a lot of the personalization out of gift-giving. But then, for a big event, it kind of makes sense. Plus, if people are going to give you house/decorative stuff, most likely they're not going to be able to judge your taste, get everything to match, etc. So, we register. It's kind of fun, but also kind of tedious. Basically, you have to make a whole lot of design decisions at one time, so it's time consuming. And it's tough to remember what you have, and how it's all going to fit together. But we've tried to take it in stages, and register for some fun stuff.
- Santana and Clemens should have won the Cy Young. Pujols and Ortiz should win the MVP. Cox and Scioscia should be Managers of the Year. The voters are morons.
- I'm watching the Redskins beat the Buccaneers right now (28-21 w/ 5:19 left in the 3rd), and it's pretty impressive that they've become a force once again. It's been a long time. They brought back the legendary Joe Gibbs, and were unimpressive last year. Everyone thought we were just overhyping Gibbs, but his previous stint as the coach was quite magical. I kept saying that we needed to give him a year to get his stuff together, and apparently that's all it took. If they win this game, they'll be 6-3, tied for first in the division. The Skins ar efun to watch again. DC's definitely a football town, although maybe eventually the Nats will catch up. As long as the Orioles stink, the Skins being good is some solace.
- I can't remember the last time I went and saw a movie in the theaters. Let me ponder...The Wedding Crashers? Maybe that's it. What's sad about that fact is that I love movies, and really do enjoy going to the theaters. But I'm not going to just randomly go to theaters for no reason. And I have Netflix and a nice TV, so I'm not missing too much, I imagine. Anything good out there I'm missing? I don't think so.
- The one movie I am going to see soon after it comes out is Harry Potter. I've decided that it's gotten to the critical mass in pop culture that I'm neglectful if I don't catch up. I've read the first four books, and watched the first two movies. (Gotta watch the third movie before I see the fourth, although reading and seeing everything in such a short span can be a little confusing.) Maybe I'll write a post about them. They're about as good as I expected them to be, which is unusual. I figured they'd be pretty solid, and I was right. I don't love them, but think they're definitely worth reading. The first two movies were a bit underwhelming, though, but I've heard the third is the best.
That's all I've got for now. Randomly, during the week, I'll have thoughts about things I think I should add to my blog, but always seem to forget them. I figure if they're important enough, I'll eventually remember them.
- Speaking of the Simpsons, while it may seem that I'm obsessed, I'd like to point out that I haven't watched a new episode of the Simpsons in a couple of years. I wanted to watch the Halloween episode that was just released, but forgot about it. Oh well. I don't think I've outgrown the show; rather, I think the show has gotten significantly crappier, which is sad.
- I read a lot of book reviews (and have been trying to read more books in general), and I've come to one conclusion: Book titles are getting longer. It seems they try to summarize the entire book in the subtitle, especially non-fiction books. I don't have many examples at the ready, but the next time you are in a bookstore, stroll over to non-fiction, and take a look at the titles and subtitles. It's a bit strange.
- We had a housewarming party this past weekend. It was fun, but quite tiring. We finally decided to hunker down and get the house in shape, figuring that if we waited until after the holidays, all would be lost. So, we did a lot of cleaning over the past month, and a little furnishing. But we're finally completely unpacked, which I think is a major accomplishment. Our party was 5 hours long, because we wanted to have it open-house style. We had neighbors, friends, and family stop by, and all in all, I think it was a good time. But I was basically giving "house tours" nonstop, and didn't really get a chance to talk with people for more than 5 minutes at a time. Still, I'm glad we had it, because we're quite proud of our house, and wanted to share it with the people we care about. If you haven't yet visited, we have a whole guest room waiting!
- Now that the house is mostly set, we can refocus on wedding planning. Today is our negative six month anniversary. We've been registering for gifts over the past couple of weeks, because we sent out our save-the-date cards recently and wanted there to be stuff on the registry if people decided to start looking. I'm of two minds about all of these formalities. On one hand, I think it's a bit silly. But I can also see why it's practical. For instance, save-the-date cards have an obvious purpose, because if you wait until the designated invitation-sending time, people may have already made plans. I'm still not sure why you're not supposed to send out invitations until relatively near the wedding date. Maybe people will forget otherwise?
- The other formality is the whole registry thing. Of course, I realize that most wedding presents are for the bride anyways, which is fine. I've never been a fan of registrys, as I've always thought that the purpose of giving gifts is not just to give people stuff, but to put thought into it and make it a personal experience. It's the effort that matters, not the merchandise. So registering seems to take a lot of the personalization out of gift-giving. But then, for a big event, it kind of makes sense. Plus, if people are going to give you house/decorative stuff, most likely they're not going to be able to judge your taste, get everything to match, etc. So, we register. It's kind of fun, but also kind of tedious. Basically, you have to make a whole lot of design decisions at one time, so it's time consuming. And it's tough to remember what you have, and how it's all going to fit together. But we've tried to take it in stages, and register for some fun stuff.
- Santana and Clemens should have won the Cy Young. Pujols and Ortiz should win the MVP. Cox and Scioscia should be Managers of the Year. The voters are morons.
- I'm watching the Redskins beat the Buccaneers right now (28-21 w/ 5:19 left in the 3rd), and it's pretty impressive that they've become a force once again. It's been a long time. They brought back the legendary Joe Gibbs, and were unimpressive last year. Everyone thought we were just overhyping Gibbs, but his previous stint as the coach was quite magical. I kept saying that we needed to give him a year to get his stuff together, and apparently that's all it took. If they win this game, they'll be 6-3, tied for first in the division. The Skins ar efun to watch again. DC's definitely a football town, although maybe eventually the Nats will catch up. As long as the Orioles stink, the Skins being good is some solace.
- I can't remember the last time I went and saw a movie in the theaters. Let me ponder...The Wedding Crashers? Maybe that's it. What's sad about that fact is that I love movies, and really do enjoy going to the theaters. But I'm not going to just randomly go to theaters for no reason. And I have Netflix and a nice TV, so I'm not missing too much, I imagine. Anything good out there I'm missing? I don't think so.
- The one movie I am going to see soon after it comes out is Harry Potter. I've decided that it's gotten to the critical mass in pop culture that I'm neglectful if I don't catch up. I've read the first four books, and watched the first two movies. (Gotta watch the third movie before I see the fourth, although reading and seeing everything in such a short span can be a little confusing.) Maybe I'll write a post about them. They're about as good as I expected them to be, which is unusual. I figured they'd be pretty solid, and I was right. I don't love them, but think they're definitely worth reading. The first two movies were a bit underwhelming, though, but I've heard the third is the best.
That's all I've got for now. Randomly, during the week, I'll have thoughts about things I think I should add to my blog, but always seem to forget them. I figure if they're important enough, I'll eventually remember them.
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